Welcome to a Journey of Abundance
Hey there! I'm Rucheli Berry, your guide through this little corner of the internet where we dive deep into the realm of abundance, drawing from Chassidus, Kabbalah, and Positive Psychology. Whether you're intrigued by the spiritual insights of the Torah or the practical, feel-good science of Positive Psychology, there’s something here for everyone looking to add a bit more magic into their everyday lives.
Exploring Abundance as Our Birthright
In this very first episode of the Harchava Podcast, let's chat about abundance. It’s more than just a buzzword; it’s our birthright. Chassidus and Kabbalah tell us that abundance—be it time, money, or headspace—is a Divine gift. We’re currently standing on the threshold of Geula, a transformative era that’s just waiting for us to embrace it... a life where your dreams of abundance aren’t just dreams but your everyday norm.
Bridging Physical and Spiritual Desires
For a long time, people believed that physical desires and spiritual aspirations were like oil and water—totally separate. But the Lubavitcher Rebbe has shown us otherwise. His teachings from the early 90s remind us that it's all interconnected, and today, your physical ambitions have real spiritual significance. So go ahead, dream big!
Manifestation in Action
Let’s talk manifestation. Ever heard of the month of Kislev or Chanukah? These are times when asking for miracles is not just allowed, but encouraged! Think of it as the Universe’s open invitation to dream about the life you truly desire. And no, it’s not selfish—it’s Divine. Knowing what you want and trusting it to be holy is key in aligning with your purpose.
A Blend of Positive Psychology and Spiritual Wisdom
Here’s where Positive Psychology comes into play. Did you know that your mindset can shift your reality? Imagine walking into a coffee shop stressed and missing all the good stuff. Now picture entering calm and spotting a $20 bill on the floor. This was an actualy study done by psychology researchers, and that’s the 3D version of how mindset magic works! When we’re open and receptive, life’s little blessings become clear as day.
Making Space for Blessings
Opportunities? They're everywhere, but sometimes, stress blinds us to their presence. It’s about creating space—becoming a vessel—to catch those blessings. If we approach life with trust and an open heart, we become partners in co-creating this abundant reality. It’s all about aligning our desires with this Divine dance.
Embracing Abundance Together
As we embrace this season of miracles, know that you’re not alone. Together, let’s step into our roles as co-creators of a life brimming with abundance. Remember, your desires are deeply tied to your holiness. Trust in the process, believe in the miracles already on their way, and watch as life surprises and delights you with opportunities you never imagined.
Join me as we navigate this journey of abundance and let the magic of Chassidus, Kabbalah, and Positive Psychology transform our everyday lives. Embrace who you truly are and let your desires lead you to a life filled with purpose and joy.
Ultimately, it's about making a connection—between the physical and the spiritual, between your desires and Divine purpose. Let's open our eyes to the abundance around us and enjoy the journey... wherever it may lead.
See you next time on The Harchava Podcast!
DM me any aha moments or feedback on Instagram: @rucheliberry
Join the conversation on WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JbvjNzbE3Aa4UcONxoZ6NX
Music by Doniel Berry: @donielberry
... and I help women integrate the depth of Ancient Jewish Wisdom with the insights of Modern Psychology and Mind/Body Science so they can finally step into the beautiful relationships, fulfilling careers, and holistic health they know they're meant for.
© 2025 Rucheli Berry. All Rights Reserved.